Die Krise
Manchmal denke ich: vielleicht war es zu anspruchsvoll. Aber Anspruch ist ja auch gut.
Wir machen es wie die Menschen in unserem Stück. In gewisser Hinsicht gehen wir wie sie einen sehr steilen Berg hoch. Da ist niemand immer gleichgut in Form.
Die Figuren in unserem Stück müssen es schaffen, da sie Medizin gegen eine Seuche holen, die in ihrer Stadt wütet. Als ausgerechnet ein Knabe krank wird und nicht mehr weiter kann, beschließen sie, ihn zurück zu lassen, was den Tod bedeutet, um die Stadt zu retten.
In unserer Gruppe, die auch auf einem anstrengenden Weg ist, machen wir es anders.
Wir lassen niemanden zurück.
Das führt manchmal zu Schwierigkeiten mit dem Anspruch.
Und ich denke, das war der Grund für diese Krise.
Aber gottseidank wollten wir Freitag sowieso frei machen. Das war gut. Wir haben uns heute am Montag alle wieder gesehen, hatten eine schöne und effektive Probe und war herrlich warm und sonnig.
Martin Kreidt
The crisis
Sometimes I think: maybe it was too demanding. But aspiration is also good.
We do it like the people in our play. In a way, we’re going up a very steep mountain like them. Nobody is always in the same shape there.
The characters in our play have to make it, because they are getting medicine against an epidemic that is raging in their city. When, of all people, a boy falls ill and can’t go any further, they decide to leave him behind, which means death, to save the city.
In our group, which is also on a strenuous path, we do it differently.
We do not leave anyone behind.
This sometimes leads to difficulties with the claim.
And I think that was the reason for this crisis.
But thank God we wanted to take Friday off anyway. That was good. We all saw each other again today on Monday, had a nice and effective rehearsal and it was wonderfully warm and sunny.
Martin Kreidt
Posted at 17:42h, 22 SeptemberAlthough I know the positive impact of the method of theatre and social art, I am still surprised at how they manage to illuminate with a sparkle the topical moments of human existence. Brecht in particular always confronts us with the ethical paradox, the moral question. Helping everyone or not helping anyone? Save or save us?
A directing work that is a journey through our time, today and forever.
What a beautiful challenge always.
Ona Argemí
Posted at 13:24h, 22 SeptemberMy first contact with the methodology (right before Covid-19) it was through this same text from Brecht. The message behind is so powerful and contemporary…
In the current context, it might be a good exercise to ask ourselves who are we leaving behind, as a society, for the sake of global and national economies. Is it the elderly? Other population groups with vulnerable health conditions? Perhaps the health sector professionals, who are constantly exposed to an unknown virus and the well-known psychological effects of sustained stress? Or the people that were already experiencing poverty, who will even see their situation intensified? Perhaps all of them and others.
Crisis are great opportunities for change, and great changes start with a mindset shift among a small, committed group of people who immediately become change agents. Congratulations, and keep up the good work!