Entrepreneurial Mindset

The Vademecum:

The Entrepreneurial Mindset (EM) Training is a concept for empowering (young) unemployed people in form of a vademecum. It is aimed at trainers for direct use, contains material for the unemployed young people, but can also be directed at stakeholders and any other interested party for showing the approach in detail. The target groups addressed in the different learning and exercise modules are clearly labelled.

The Vademecum explains the ArtE approach, a combination of theatre and EM training, and defines EM training before giving concrete examples of how the approach can be implemented in pilot projects, what impact it can have and how to measure this impact. The heart, however, are the tools for innovative thinking and business development and a practical manual for the participants in the appendix. With the help of the vademecum, young unemployed people can be empowered to “impersonate” the new entrepreneurial role, develop self-confidence, leadership, drive and motivation.

The video series:

For the use of Social Art in training the entrepreneurial spirit, we identified 5 key concepts to underpin our definition of Social Art:

  • Ambiguity,
  • transformation,
  • making choices,
  • impact,
  • sustainability.

Those concepts are all crucial aspects of the ArtE-approach to enable the transformation process in the participants. The 5, English subtitled videos highlight those concepts from the view of one partner each, most of them with showing the approach in practice in a pilot project with the young participants.

Sustainability – Impressions from UpSocial‘s pilot project ArtE

Spanish, English subtitles (click subtitle icon in right corner)

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Impact – Impressions from Stone Soups pilot project ArtE

Portuguese, English subtitles

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Making Choices – Artistic Depiction by the example of the play “Pinocchio” from Casa Del Lavoro


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Transformation – Transformation in the concept of Social Art by Sozialforschungsstelle

TU Dortmund University, English

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Ambiguity – Ambiguity in the concept of Social Art with impressions from Projektfabriks pilot project CUBES

German, English subtitles

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